Thursday, September 6, 2012

Welcome to Blog of an Ex-Teenage Superhero

This is a blog I made for a novel I'm preparing to publish, Blog of an Ex-Teenage Superhero. I have no plans at this time to post much more here at this time. In the future, as the blog goes on, and the Secret comes out I might write more to explore the characters and their histories.

You might notice there are additional pages here. To be explicit, one is a basic "about me" page and one is for the individually sposted short stories that pertain specifically to the blog itself.

Also to note: There are stories featuring a character from the Blog and her brother, but they aren't considered part of the Blogosphere because they're part of the Gemini Warriors, a secondary series of events in the events of the Technomancer's War.

Wow, I had more to say than I thought, huh?